John Bujak’s Position On Common Core
John Bujak is the libertarian candidate for governor of Idaho. Here is John’s position on Common Core in his own words. I am against Common Core for three main reasons. Firstly, there is so much detail in the Common Core Standards that it reduces a teachers flexibility in developing curriculum in our schools. The […]
Big Common Core Weekend

This is a big Common Core weekend here in Idaho. If you have the opportunity you should try to catch one of these three events. Saturday morning Dr. Duke Pest will be speaking at King Little Theater in Burley Idaho. Sunday evening he will be speaking in Nampa, Idaho. (Click to enlarge) However […]
North Idaho Common Core Events

This Saturday there are two Common Core informational meetings. Please join Mila Wood as she gives the ins and outs of Common Core and discusses the solutions. Saturday morning in Ponderay: Click to enlarge Later that afternoon in Couer d’Alene: We look forward to seeing you there.
Just Scared Parents

By Mandy Baker Mini-Cassia Citizens Against Common Core I heard about a recent comment on Facebook from a local teacher that the resistance to Common Core was spurred by “scared parents.” At first I took offense to that. I don’t consider myself hysterical. If I had to pick a word to describe me it would […]
Higher Standards, Our Solution.
Higher standards. That’s what Common Core is all about, right? Don’t we all want higher standards for our children? Idaho’s standards were just lousy anyway, why wouldn’t you want better, higher standards? Idaho had to do better! We’ve heard all of that. Fine. Let’s play their game and pretend for a moment that Common Core […]
Building the Machine, The Parent Interviews
This is part two of Building the Machine. Part I scared the CCSSO so much that they put out a letter before it was released discussing ways to counter the information. Idaho parents haven’t seen most of the effects of Common Core discussed in this documentary- yet. But if we continue down the path we’re on we will start seeing […]
What Being 50th Really Means

We keep hearing it all over, Idaho is 50th in education. That’s a crisis, and a crisis demands that we do something to fix it. But what does being 50th really mean? Trostel Well, according to this, it actually means 27th. In this study, done by Trostel, Idaho doesn’t fall in the last 5 for any of […]
Albertson Fingerprints

What do the following have in common? Schoolnet, IdahoLEADS, Idaho Education News, The Institute for Evidence Based Change (IEBC), Go-On Idaho, Don’t Fail Idaho, Rural Opportunities Consortium of Idaho (ROCI), Khan Academy in Idaho, Idaho Education Resource Guide, Roger Quarles, Ed SESSIONS Forums, Idaho Education Network (IEN) If you said the J.A. & Kathryn […]
The Great Education Struggle Discusses Common Core

Isaac Moffet, Nampa resident, does a weekly podcast called The Great Education Struggle. During his broadcast he discusses many issues confronting education, not just in Idaho, but across the country. A couple of weeks ago Stacey Knudsen and my self had the pleasure of taking part in the podcast to discuss Common Core and what […]