Let ESEA Ride into the Sunset!
Yesterday I received two emails regarding the new ESEA authorization, “Every Child College or Carreer Ready Act of 2015” by Senator Lamar Alexander. It seems he has fast tracked the bill leaving no time for opposing testimony to be heard. Some are very distraught: You can read this post by Anita Hoge for a better […]
Change in Peg Luksik Event

Our Peg Luksik event tonight was supposed to be in the Lincoln Auditorium. However with very little warning we got bumped, we’ll still be in the Capitol building but we’ve been moved to EW42. Idaho Public TV will livestream the event. Just click on the EW42 link. (Please note the link on the bottom […]
The Links Work!

I make mistakes. My kids will tell you I do it all the time. Sometimes I’m lucky enough to have the opportunity to correct them. Earlier I published a pdf version of a powerpoint presentation. It was supposed to be full of links to documents that supported the material in the presentation. Well, it was […]
Speak Out, Be Heard!
I just got an email from a legislator telling me she’s only received one email from someone in her district speaking out against Common Core. I know she’s received at least four in support of it. Please take the time to contact your legislators and tell them why you don’t like Common Core. Stick to […]
Common Core, SBAC Tests and the Truth

Common Core, SBAC Tests and The Truth By Peg Luksik Ph.D This informative presentation will address many of your unanswered questions about the Common Core program and the Smarter Balanced Assessment. It’s open to the public and free. 6:30pm January 27 State Capitol building 700 W Jefferson Street. Room WW02 House/Senate Auditorium, West Wing lower level.
Four Pillar Cafe

By Mila Wood In times like these, parents and taxpayers need choices and factual resources to help them voice objection to Common Core and the other education reforms. Feel free to write and share with your schools, teachers , districts legislatures and state education agencies. Dissent IS the only choice you will actually have in […]
The Truth about Refusing/Opting Out
Last year parents who decided to opt their children out of the SBAC test were told that there was no opt out provision in Idaho. Guess what? That is correct. If you read through IDAPA- Idaho Rules Governing Thoroughness , you will not find one mention of opting out. (Lots of other interesting stuff, but no mention of […]
January 5th, Are you ready?
A few weeks ago this letter came across my email: Happy Sunday friends, Concerned Citizens of New Jersey are committed to restoring the freedoms of education to all children. We are confident that with your support and dedication this will be accomplished. You have been courageous and steadfast in the past several months by making […]