Legislation and Important Updates
House Bill 579: Relating to Sex Education
House Bill 579: Relating to Sex Education By Stephanie Gifford and Julianne Young The sex education bill has been rewritten and is now House Bill 579 (H579). The new version replaces the previous draft (HB 414) and includes language that confirms some of our strongest objections. Parents who wish to maintain their legal rights and […]
NGSS, Not This Year
Mila Wood received the following email from Senator Steven Thayn regarding the Next Generation Science Standards’ future in Idaho: Mila: It looks like the science standards will be rejected and reworked next year with hearings to take input. As far as the total federal funds for education it is $260.2 million which includes colleges […]
Parental Rights and Other Important Legislation

The Legislature has now been in session for almost two months. There have been a few ups but mostly a lot of downs. Legislators are telling us they’re not hearing from many parents and aren’t feeling a lot of urgency to move forward to eliminate Common Core and its associated programs. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (& the […]
Parental Bill of Rights- Action Needed
Rep. Janet Trujillo District 33 “The Supreme Court has time and again affirmed the well established principle that parents possess a right to control the upbringing of their children: “The custody, care and nurture of the child resides first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the state can neither […]
Legislative Update
First, there is Goedde’s data-privacy protection bill S1296. It is not a good bill and we won’t be supporting it at all. It does very little because it defers to FERPA. We hope to have a better Data Privacy Bill done quickly. Second, Janet Trujillo’s Parental Rights Bill H0499. It needs our full support, DeMordaunt […]
Parental Bill of Rights
Did you know that Idaho doesn’t have a Parental Bill of Rights? Representative Janet Trujillo wants to change that, particularly in regards to parental rights and education. She has written a wonderful bill that you should read and support. (It’s only one page long and it makes sense.) Here’s just a little of what it says […]
Urgent Action Needed!
We have our first opportunity to let our Education Committee know how we feel about children’s privacy. They are meeting on September 12, WW55 from 8:30 to 4:30. The agenda is full, and does not include any dissenting voices. educationmeetingagenda The Data Quality Campaign will be represented. “In September 2009 every state committed to implement the 12 […]
Iowa Senator Grassley Launches Effort to Prohibit Common Core Funding
Senator Chuck Grassley announced a bill to defund Common Core. Take a moment today to let our Senators know that we would like Idaho to support this effort. Crapo, Mike – (R – ID) Class III 239 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-6142 Contact: www.crapo.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm Risch, James E. – […]