Recent Articles
CRT Expert, Dr Duke Pesta, Coming to Idaho
Pursuing the Love of Learning Dr. Duke Pesta, Star, Idaho – October 21st Thursday LifeSpring Church, 174 N Star Road, Star, Idaho from, 6:00-8:00 PM, Dr. Duke Pesta, Anna Miller, Idaho Freedom Foundation Education Policy Director & Rep. Dorothy Moon Caldwell, Idaho – October 22nd Friday Caldwell Christian Church, 3207 E Ustick Road, Caldwell, from […]
Your voice on Common Core needs to be heard now
This is long but very , very important. Please read to the end and don’t forget to sign the petition. Then please share it with your friends and family. By National Education Guardians OCT 9, 2020 — Here is an update on what is happening with the Common Core Standards and Region 17’s involvement: We […]
Why Idaho Still Has Common Core

There’s been a lot said this primary cycle about who got rid of Common Core, and to be honest, it’s a little complicated. But, here’s the long and short of it as I understand it. The House Education Committee voted by a margin of 10-5 to not renew the rules that included Common Core State […]
Mila Wood for House District 11a

I realize the site has been pretty quiet for the last number of years with only occasional posts here and there, but that’s another post for another day. Today we would like to do something that we have avoided in the past. In previous elections we’ve not actually endorsed candidates running for office. In some […]
Idaho Common Core Hearings
In 2010 Governor Butch Otter and Superintendent of Public Instruction unilaterally signed up the state for the Common Core State Standards. Before the standards were finished and without the proper consent of the legislature. You might say they overstepped their constitutional bounds. Due to a unique set of circumstances, eight years after initial implementation, you […]
Nuture the Bear, Refuse the Test

SBAC/ISAT testing has started and parents, who have every right, are being told they cannot opt their children out of the tests. Attached is a Parental Directive that will make it abundantly clear that your children are not to take the test. You can fill in the blanks with your children’s names, school district and all […]
This is a summary of a post that was made in 2013. I know that was a lifetime ago but the article is still relevant. SIX THINGS THE US DEPT OF EDUCATION DID TO DEPRIVE YOUR CHILD OF PRIVACY 1. Sneaky Thing Number One: It bribed the states with ARRA Stimulus monies to build 50 […]
Mastery-based Education – A New, Olde Idea
Mastery-based = competency-based = outcome-based education. None of this is new. Four decades ago, outcome-based education was implemented and failed, so education reformers simply brought it back with a shiny new name. Maine calls it Proficiency-based; Utah, Competency-based; and Idaho, Mastery-based. This document from 1984 shows the correlation. 1984FederallySponsoredOBEProjectHL I agree that the idea of […]
Trusting Institutions
Trusting Institutions By Bill Zimmerman While discussing the new Comprehensive Sex Education standards (CSE) and a new bill that was making its way through the Idaho legislative process last month with my wife, Stephanie, I made a comment that apparently struck a chord with her and Mila Wood. Because I opened my big mouth and […]