Stephanie Zimmerman
Stephanie Zimmerman's Latest Posts
Press Kit Rebuttal

Just recently a “press kit” was put out by (The .org makes them look official doesn’t it.) (Click to enlarge) I emailed the link out to the group of people I work closely with and thought I would try to write up a rebuttal later that evening. Well, I didn’t have a chance. Reading […]
Is the Battle Over, or Just Starting?

(Previously posted on What is Common Core.) In a Nov. 30th Statesman interview granted by Tom Luna, I was not surprised to read Luna’s responses to the following questions: Is the battle over Idaho Core Standards over? It is definitely over in the education arena. And my experience has been so far that it is […]
The Loss of Idaho’s Educational Sovereignty ppt

New under the resource tab. This power point has links to lots of resources. We hope to have a recorded version of this sometime soon. Common Core Myth vs Facts PowerPoint
Common Core and Why I’m going Gray…

Last week at my son’s basketball game I was sitting next to another mother chuckling at our boys as they ran by. They were pretty cute. We struck up a conversation that turned to Common Core. Rani started to tell me about the math her son was doing. She has been gracious enough to let me […]
Good Fats, Bad Fats- Does .GOV Know Best?

By Mila Wood Mila is a mother and Common Core warrior from Idaho. Helping my kid with homework after school, and he says that he needs to go on this website and fill out his food intake for a few days so they can study in class about calories, exercise and things like body […]
Payback Time

From the onset, Common Core wasn’t really about what was good for children. It was what was good for lining the pockets of those who backed it. Textbook companies stand to make a killing as most schools in the country have to realign their curriculum to the new standards. Testing companies must love the money […]
Open Letter to Idaho Teachers

Often the opponents of Common Core are painted as anti-public school and anti-teacher. Nothing could be further from the truth. We at Idahoans for Local Education trust Idaho teachers to teach Idaho students without a set of national standards and without a set of invasive and unfair teacher evaluation systems, (tiered licensure.) Below is an […]
Open Letter From Idaho Grandmother to Legislature

By Christel Swasey An Idaho grandmother, Yvonne Hyer, recently wrote a letter to legislators. She didn’t just confront her own representatives about Common Core and student data mining; she signed, stamped, and mailed her letter to one hundred and five members of the Idaho legislature. On this eve of her ninetieth birthday, Yvonne Hyer told […]
Opt Out Idaho-Refuse the Test!
The best way to kill this beast is to starve it. The best way to starve it is to not submit our children to the SBAC/ISAT assessments. But according to the State Dept. of Education there is no opt out mechanism for parents. (Sounds like local control to me.) Since this is the case the […]
John Bujak’s Position On Common Core
John Bujak is the libertarian candidate for governor of Idaho. Here is John’s position on Common Core in his own words. I am against Common Core for three main reasons. Firstly, there is so much detail in the Common Core Standards that it reduces a teachers flexibility in developing curriculum in our schools. The […]