Tag: opt out
Validity and Reliability Correction
I was wrong! I don’t know if even this bold confession will please some people, but I made a mistake and I need to correct it. From IDAPA page 24: Any assessment used for federal reporting shall be independently reviewed for reliability, validity, and alignment with the Idaho Content Standards. In February, I wrote a […]
Illegal to Refuse? Why Does the SDE Say You Can?
SBAC/ISAT 2.0 testing begins on Monday for all Idaho teachers and students. As parents from across the state attempt to exempt their children from the test, they are being told that it’s illegal to refuse to take it. If it’s illegal to refuse, why does the SDE say you can? In fact, two separate Idaho documents list parent refusal as a […]
Multiple District’s Refusal Forms
Their words, not mine. Opt out. I usually try to use the word refuse, but when a district has a form that says “Opt Out” I figure it’s safe to use. Attached are different forms from three school districts. It’s well know that Madison School District has opted out from taking the SBAC. This form was used last year. Fortunately for students, parents […]
The Truth about Refusing/Opting Out
Last year parents who decided to opt their children out of the SBAC test were told that there was no opt out provision in Idaho. Guess what? That is correct. If you read through IDAPA- Idaho Rules Governing Thoroughness , you will not find one mention of opting out. (Lots of other interesting stuff, but no mention of […]
January 5th, Are you ready?
A few weeks ago this letter came across my email: Happy Sunday friends, Concerned Citizens of New Jersey are committed to restoring the freedoms of education to all children. We are confident that with your support and dedication this will be accomplished. You have been courageous and steadfast in the past several months by making […]
Opt Out Idaho-Refuse the Test!
The best way to kill this beast is to starve it. The best way to starve it is to not submit our children to the SBAC/ISAT assessments. But according to the State Dept. of Education there is no opt out mechanism for parents. (Sounds like local control to me.) Since this is the case the […]
Courage for the Taxpaying Parent
How many times have we anti-Common Core parents been told, “If you don’t like Common Core maybe you should homeschool.” Or, “If you don’t like the tests, maybe you need to homeschool.” How about, “If you don’t like the data collecting maybe your only option is to homeschool.” (That last one came straight from […]
SBAC Test Text Evidence
By Mila Wood In response to Tom Luna’s release of his SBAC promotion video and “text evidence:” All along my main concerns as a parent and a tax paying citizen of our state with the SBAC test have been; 1) invasive data collection 2) the test is UNtested, UNproven and UNfinished 3) the kids’ test […]
Responding to Parents Concerns about Refusing the Test
We get emails, phone calls or messages daily from parents who are confused and concerned by school administrator responses to their choice to refuse this year’s SBAC field test. Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions. First of all, understand that it is not illegal to refuse the SBAC standardized field test. There […]
Opting Out FAQ
Mary Ollie put together a slide show of FAQ’s and documents regarding parental rights and the importance of opting out. This is a great presentation that will help answer the questions you may have regarding your rights as a parent to opt your children out of the tests. If you need a little encouragement to, “screw your courage […]