Tag: opt out
Not Keeping Their End of the Bargain

In Idaho_Rules for Thoroughness are found the reasons we administer assessments in public schools. 02. Purposes. The purpose of assessment in the public schools is to: (3-15-02) a. Measure and improve student achievement; (3-15-02) b. Assist classroom teachers in designing lessons; (3-15-02) c. Identify areas needing intervention and remediation, and acceleration; (3-15-02) d. Assist school districts […]
Opt Out Stories
There is a page set up on Facebook where Idaho parents are sharing their opt out letters and stories. Good conversations have taken place as parents support each other with virtual high fives or words of wisdom on how to deal with an administrator who isn’t cooperating. There can be strength in numbers. I thought […]
SBAC Opt Out Webcast Recording
For those of you who were unable to attend our Opt Out webcast last night, here is the recording. We’d like to thank Diego Rodriguez at Power Marketing Consultants for allowing a couple of amateur moms access to his studio, equipment, employees and expertize to help us get this information to you.
SBAC and Psychometric Testing
Let me just quickly introduce you to Lev Vogystky, the “father of Soviet psychology.” He believed the value of an individual came not from the individual themselves but rather the individual’s place in society. As an individual only exists as a social being, as a member of some social group within whose context he follows the road […]
More on Opting Out
Support Idaho Teachers. Opt Out Now! Here is an opt out form we know works. A superintendent in Idaho used it to opt out his children. Simple and easy. Read this article to learn what you’re going to be told by the school. Here are some things you can do to make it easier: Ask , “Show me […]
Parents, They are Your Children, Right?
Why is this Parents Rights Bill so important? Just read this anonymous message I received from an Idaho teacher. Received from an anonymous source (someone who fears his/her job of course! What sort of country are we living in??) PLEASE share this email! The testing coordinators for our district went to a training yesterday, and […]
Support Idaho Teachers. Opt Out Now!
There are good teachers. Lots of them. And parents recognize a good teacher when they see one. Right now these good teachers are stuck in a system that won’t allow them to do what they do best how they best know to do it. Google it and you find stories all over the internet of teachers […]
Opt-outs ‘R Us
So you’ve been learning about Common Core, talking to your neighbors and writing your congressman and now you want to DO something. In his book, Children of the Core, author Kris L. Nielsen gives some actions anyone can take to stage a peaceful revolution against Common Core. One step he recommends is, “Stop Participating –Opt Out […]