Recent Articles
Idaho, We will not Conform!

Now you know about Common Core. Where do we go from here? Please join us as we gather together in one of six Idaho theaters for Glenn Beck’s We Will Not Conform event. There will be a number of inspiring and well informed panelists. Jenny White of Restore Oklahoma Public Education fame and Emmett McGroarty from the […]
Monday June 30 Podcast
Kevin Miller of 580 KIDO am invited us to debate Supt. Tom Luna. As mentioned in a previous post, the request was denied by the superintendent. However, Kevin was still good enough to have us on and give us time to discuss our issues with Common Core. Because of the lack of a debate, or maybe […]
150 Idaho Teachers

By Valerie Candelaria “150 Idaho Teachers Were Involved in the Process of Developing the Common Core Standards” This is a statement repeated many times by Superintendent Luna when asked about local input on developing the Common Core Standards. So, I wanted to share the following information regarding his explanation of this statement. My interpretation of […]
The Debate Will Go On
Nearly two weeks ago I received an email from Ray Amaya, producer for 580 KIDO’s Kevin Miller. In it he proposed holding an informal, in-studio radio debate about Common Core between Stacey Knudsen and myself, and Superintendent Tom Luna. He and Kevin thought it would be a good follow up to the recently ended school […]
Oak Norton Reveals the Man Behind the Curtain
Oak Norton of Utahns Against Common Core does a wonderful job moving the argument beyond the standards. He explains the culture war and history that is Common Core. Thank you, Oak, for explaining all of this so well.
An Idaho Teacher on Common Core Part 2 — Deeper Facts on Data Mining in our Schools
LeAnn Caster The response to my letter last month on the basic facts of Common Core were overwhelming. Since there were so many who were shocked and amazed at what they read, I am choosing to share a lot more. The information I share in this letter contains more facts that every parent and […]
Common Core Facts
This is a brief, two-page history of Common Core and some of its shortcomings. This list was compiled by Sandra Stotsky, a member of the validation committee. Click here for a printable pdf version. Common Core Facts Compiled by Sandra Stotsky 1. Who developed Common Core’s standards? Three private organizations in Washington DC: the […]
Teacher Shares Experience and Facts on Common Core…..Please Read
Many times when we talk to teachers they are unaware of all that Common Core truly entails. They are so busy trying to make the best of a bad situation for the students they teach that they simply don’t have time to look into all aspects of this new education reform. This teacher, however, has taken […]
Statesman’s Reporting; Biased Much?
Last week the Idaho Statesman ran an article on the money being poured into this primary election. At the end it was noted that candidate for superintendent, John Eynon, had received donations from Rep Phil Hart and attorney general candidate Chris Troupis. The total of these two contributions was a whopping $250. For some unknown reason, though, this […]
Personal Endorsement
Last election cycle (2012) a gentleman approached me about supporting him. After some questioning, I determined he was running on the same values I held as dear and important. I agreed to put his sign in my yard and talk to my neighbors about him. Of course, being the political overachiever that I am, I […]