Huge Privacy Concerns- Did you know?

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 27, 2014 0 Comments

Did you know that your child’s Social Security Number is being collected and linked to their unique Student ID?

Did you know that your child’s personal identifiable information is being stored in a data warehouse to be used by researchers?

Did you know that anyone with an “educational” purpose can have access to this data with no penalties for misusing the information?

Did you know that Idaho is currently collecting personal information, including SSN and sharing this information with the Department of Labor to generate a unique labor ID for each Idaho student?

Did you know that this  is happening now because of sweeping changes to the federal privacy law known as FERPA?

Did you know that Tom Luna, takes credit in National publications and in the Idaho Legislative reports for getting this Data Collection and sharing system so quickly built in Idaho, but when asked about it by concerned parents his answer is always the same?  “We have always collected data in Idaho”

Did you know that the Idaho Attorney General has said that under current Idaho law parents do not have the right to opt their children out of data collection?

Did you know that schools have to now send data reports every month?

Did you know that Idaho has overburdened teachers, but  hires IT people to maintain this extensive data system instead of more teachers?

Did you know that there is a  Privacy bill being considered right now in Idaho’s education committee that does nothing to address any of the above concerns?

Did you know that this bill does not restore any parental rights stripped by FERPA changes, and  does not stop the storing and releasing of student personal identifiable information?

Did you know that the new Statewide Longitudinal Data system is  a federal requirement of taking Stimulus money?

Did you know that there has been no real effort to inform parents of the sweeping changes to the way their students data is collected stored and shared?


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