Tag: Idahoans Against Common Core
Common Core, The Brainchild Of Cronyism
Link to “Gates Led” grant research document… http://912projectidaho.com/documents/Gates_Led_Not_State_Led_%28grant_summary%29.pdf Web link to CCSSO Gates grants… http://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/k=Council%20of%20Chief%20State%20School%20Officers Web link to NGA Gates grants… http://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/k=National%20Governors%20Association
Idaho Common Core Myths vs Facts: The Reality of Data Collection
With the help of Rome Saranto, (okay let’s be honest, Rome pretty much did the videos himself,) we now have a series of short videos regarding some basic truths and Common Core. Here’s the first one. Idaho Common Core Myths vs Facts: The Reality of Data Collection Here are the documents referenced in the video: […]
Nampa Meeting

One of the best things that could happen to this grassroots movement against Common Core would be for parents and concerned citizens to start meeting on a local level to work together to get Common Core out of their neighborhood schools. That’s why we put together the County Connect page, to help facilitate this. This […]
Idaho, We will not Conform!

Now you know about Common Core. Where do we go from here? Please join us as we gather together in one of six Idaho theaters for Glenn Beck’s We Will Not Conform event. There will be a number of inspiring and well informed panelists. Jenny White of Restore Oklahoma Public Education fame and Emmett McGroarty from the […]
150 Idaho Teachers

By Valerie Candelaria “150 Idaho Teachers Were Involved in the Process of Developing the Common Core Standards” This is a statement repeated many times by Superintendent Luna when asked about local input on developing the Common Core Standards. So, I wanted to share the following information regarding his explanation of this statement. My interpretation of […]
The Debate Will Go On
Nearly two weeks ago I received an email from Ray Amaya, producer for 580 KIDO’s Kevin Miller. In it he proposed holding an informal, in-studio radio debate about Common Core between Stacey Knudsen and myself, and Superintendent Tom Luna. He and Kevin thought it would be a good follow up to the recently ended school […]
SBAC and Psychometric Testing
Let me just quickly introduce you to Lev Vogystky, the “father of Soviet psychology.” He believed the value of an individual came not from the individual themselves but rather the individual’s place in society. As an individual only exists as a social being, as a member of some social group within whose context he follows the road […]
Formal Response to CCSSO Student Data Privacy
National Anti-Common Core Statement on the State School Chiefs’ Letter Regarding Data Privacy We the undersigned organizations, representing millions of families and teachers across the nation, issue the following statement in response to the January 23rd, 2014 letter by thirty-four chief state school officers to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan regarding student data privacy: […]
Yes, the Common Core DOES tell teachers HOW to teach
“No, you’re wrong.” I don’t know how many times Stacey and I heard that at our presentation last night in Burley. A couple of teachers were there to “school” us on the “misinformation” we were spreading about Common Core. One of the “You’re wrong”s came when we were discussing the standards themselves. “They don’t tell […]
Debate Denied
There is a lot of confusion surrounding Common Core. (that’s an understatement…) It has been said that when you listen to the proponents you walk away thinking, “This is good.” Then when you talk to the opponents you walk away thinking, “This is really bad.” We’ve been approached about having a public debate so that […]