Recent Articles
The Attorney General’s Letter
Parents continue to be told they can’t opt out/refuse their children take the SBAC/ISAT2.o. A letter from the Attorney General is often referenced. Take a moment to read the letter. What does it actually say? It is in response to two questions: 1. Can a parent refuse to allow their child to be included in […]
Support Parents’ Rights
With the legislature in session right now, there’s an awful lot to keep up on. Tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. in House State Affairs Committee, Senator Janet Trujillo’s Parents’ Rights Bill will receive a hearing. You can read the text of the bill here: Please consider contacting the members of this committee and asking them to support […]
Why Refuse the SBAC?
Why REFUSE the SBAC? • Idaho committed to an agreement through the SBAC consortium that allows any and all personal level data collected by the state, to be accessed by the federal government and limitless third parties. sbac-cooperative-agreement • The test itself is not valid or reliable…Idaho rules of thoroughness state that any test given […]
Is the SBAC Illegal to Administer in Idaho?

I had to issue some corrections to this post. They can be found here. However, the same premise still exists, Idaho is using this test in a manner that is contrary to how it should be used. The assessment is still not Valid nor Reliable. A lot has been said about a parent’s right to […]
Two Small Victories, Please Say Thank You!
We have had two small but important victories in the last two days. Yesterday, Representative Harris presented a bill to the Senate Education Committee that would allow all students an alternate route to graduation. As of now, only a select few students are allowed this option, all others must pass a standardized test to […]
Protect Student Data, Support HCR 3
Representative Lynn Luker is introducing House Concurrent Resolution 3 (HCR 3) in front of the House Education Committee tomorrow morning at 9am. This resolution calls for an audit of the states data collecting mechanisms. The title reads: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION STATING FINDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND AUTHORIZING THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL TO APPOINT A COMMITTEE […]
Race to the Tee and the Story of Common Score
By Mary Ollie One day Bogie Gates and Arnie Duffer were bored. To pass the time they played a round of golf and made small talk. Soon the talk turned to ensuring a steady stream of income. Although both were financially secure the thought of losing even a penny or encountering a tough competitor was […]
Idaho Core is Common Core!

Some are trying to defend Idaho Core saying it’s been tailored for Idaho and isn’t the same as Common Core. But Idaho Core is Common Core. Looking at the banner across the top of the Idaho State Dept. of Education website you might get the impression that Idaho Core Standards are unique to Idaho. Let’s start with […]
The Blast Radius of Proposed New “No Child Left Behind” Bill
As usual Christel Swasey does a wonderful job of breaking things down. Her latest post is in regards to the No Child Left Behind renewal by Lamar Alexander. Go take a few minutes and take advantage of her research. Then if you happen to be on social media tweet @senalexander and @repjohnkline using the […]
Let ESEA Ride into the Sunset!
Yesterday I received two emails regarding the new ESEA authorization, “Every Child College or Carreer Ready Act of 2015” by Senator Lamar Alexander. It seems he has fast tracked the bill leaving no time for opposing testimony to be heard. Some are very distraught: You can read this post by Anita Hoge for a better […]