Recent Articles
Better Things to Do
Lately I find myself feeling angry. Maybe righteously indignant is a more accurate term. Basically, my whole life I knew that I wanted to be a mother. You could have asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would have answered, “A mother.” I wanted that for a number of […]
Orlean Koehle’s Radio Interview

Thursday, April 11, I did an interview on KID radio in Idaho Falls. I appreciated the opportunity to talk about Common Core and the concerns that many parents have about it. It seemed to me that Neal was a little skeptical about what I had to say. Thursday, April 18, as mentioned in a previous […]
Magic Valley Residence Tonight
Just a reminder for those in the Magic Valley area. Tonight Jerome First Presbyterian Church, 262 East Ave. A, on Friday, 04/19, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Common Core meeting. Come learn more than you really wanted to know, but need to know. Hope to see you there. (The fact that the Jerome First […]
In Idaho Falls Tonight 4/18
Your Idaho School District is Now Implementing Common Core Curriculum. What will it mean for YOUR children? The American Alliance for Advancing Awareness and Action A5IDAHO.COM Presents Orlean Koehle President, California Eagle Forum Former Idaho Falls resident and Miss Idaho Falls Author Common Core: A Trojan Horse for Education Reform Common Core States Standard Initiative […]
Iowa Senator Grassley Launches Effort to Prohibit Common Core Funding
Senator Chuck Grassley announced a bill to defund Common Core. Take a moment today to let our Senators know that we would like Idaho to support this effort. Crapo, Mike – (R – ID) Class III 239 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-6142 Contact: Risch, James E. – […]
A Teacher’s Concerns
A few days ago this letter was forwarded to me from a friend. I contacted the author asking if I could post it. Their spouse is a teacher in Idaho, and here are some of their concerns about Common Core… This letter is to all the friends I know who have kids in school. This […]
Watch #StopCommonCore Twitter Rally Live Today at On Point Broadcasting
Don’t tweet? Don’t fret. Watch coverage of the #stopcommoncore Twitter Rally via On Point Broadcasting- complete with a pre- and post- show. Log in to watch at 11am EST today.\onpointtv
Twitter Rally, All Invited to Attend
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Stephanie Zimmerman Idaho Parents to Join National Twitter Rally Opposing Common Core April 13, 2013 (Boise,Idaho) Idahoans For Local Education (I4LE) invites concerned citizens to advocate for local control of education without leaving their homes, or lifting a finger. Instead, they can use their thumbs to “tweet” concerns […]
RNC Passes anti-Common Core Resolution
The details aren’t clear yet, but it looks like the Republican National Committee unanimously passed an anti-Common Core resolution this afternoon. If they stuck to the original wording, it looks like they nailed it! RESOLUTION CONCERNING COMMON CORE EDUCATION STANDARDS WHEREAS, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a set of academic standards, promoted […]
Bill Gates Said It Himself.
What is the real agenda behind Common Core? Why not hear it from the man behind the curtain, Mr. Bill Gates himself. This is from Glenn’s show yesterday. The first few minutes explain why Exxon/Mobile would support Common Core. Plausible? I think so. Your browser does not support iframes.