Tag: Math
Common Core and Why I’m going Gray…
Last week at my son’s basketball game I was sitting next to another mother chuckling at our boys as they ran by. They were pretty cute. We struck up a conversation that turned to Common Core. Rani started to tell me about the math her son was doing. She has been gracious enough to let me […]
Ginni Thomas interviews Jane Robbins
Listen to legal expert Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project explain the main concerns of Common Core. Whereas self-determination and families used to guide students in choosing their career path, proponents of Common Core think they know better when it comes to jobs that communities supposedly need… “Techno-progressives” in local and federal governments are […]
The Curriculum Conundrum
Every time an outlandish, over-the-top homework assignment or controversial textbook is reported on it’s automatically assumed to be the direct result of Common Core by many of its opponents. While Common Core has numerous and well-documented problems and shortcomings, we can’t truthfully blame everything on it – as tempting as that may be… Leslie Beck of […]
Ze’ev Wurman’s Slides
Ze’ev Wurman was kind enough to share the slides from his presentation. There is a great deal of useful information in them. Enjoy! Z Wurman 7-27-13 Charts
Common Core Math Really is Better
So when you make a mistake, just go into the bank and explain how you came up with your balance. They will totally understand and remove any overdraft fees from your account. Works for me.
Glenn Beck Outs The Common Core
Thank you Truth in American Education and Shane Vander Hart Glenn Beck today highlighted the Common Core on his show on The Blaze TV. His guests were Emmett McGroarty of American Principles Project, Sherena Arrington, a political consultant from Georgia, and two teachers from Utah, David Cox and Christel Swasey. Beck in his opening remarks […]
A Common Core Agnostic Is Turned
I was vaguely aware of who Diane Ravitch was before Common Core, but honestly didn’t agree with much of what she had to say. But she has finally made up her mind about Common Core and she doesn’t like it. As mentioned in the article below she thinks it’s going to drive people to charter […]
Problems with American Math Education
As you read about Common Core math standards you have to ask yourself, “What are they trying to do to our children?” The new standards introduce algebraic thinking in Kindergarten – long before children are capable of abstract thinking – when they should be just beginning to memorize math facts. What a way to make […]