Idahoans 4 Local Ed
Idahoans 4 Local Ed's Latest Posts
A Mother Speaks Out: Children For Sale – Guest Post by Alyson Williams

You will notice in her article this mother mentions a flyer being sent home. Here in Idaho, or at least in the schools my children were attending, no such notice was given. Almost everyone I have talked comments that a teacher mentioned it in passing this year. Why did no one think to inform Idaho’s […]
A Common Core Agnostic Is Turned
I was vaguely aware of who Diane Ravitch was before Common Core, but honestly didn’t agree with much of what she had to say. But she has finally made up her mind about Common Core and she doesn’t like it. As mentioned in the article below she thinks it’s going to drive people to charter […]
Video: Common Core Primer

Jane Robbins of American Principles Project offers a helpful five-part video primer to help you better understand why we are opposed to the Common Core.
Idahoans For Local Education is Launched!

Idahoans for Local Education is officially launched. Founded by Stephanie Zimmerman, I4LE exists to preserve our local sovereignty in education policy.