Tag: Idahoans Against Common Core
What is Achieve, Inc., and Why You Should Care
Last January I stood in front of the House Education Committee and expressed my concern about Common Core. One of the things I mentioned was Acheive. Dr. Carissa Miller, Deputy Superintendent at the Idaho State Department of Education and Co-Chair of the SBAC, told the committee that Achieve had nothing to do with Idaho and […]
Conference Call
Facts About Common Core Informational Conference Call Presented by Concerned Women for America Wednesday July 10, 8:30 pm EDT Join the call by dialing 760 569 7676, access code 303989 Speakers: Dr. Sandra Stotsky, CC Validation Committee Member Joy Pullman, Heartland Institute Richard Innes, Bluegrass Institute Kenda Bartlett, Concerned Women for America, Executive Director I […]
The Common Core, Data Collection Connection
There is a lot of noise out there about the connection between Common Core and data collection. While parents are beginning to express concern about what can and will be collected on their children without their consent, and then what can be done with that data; proponents of Common Core are denying the fact that there is any connection. We’ve heard […]
Common Core Losing Teacher Support
A few months ago this teacher was in favor of Common Core. She’s done more research since then and realized that Common Core is so much more than just standards. Anthony Cody at Ed Week posted this: The Common Core Loses This Teacher’s Support Guest post by Katie Lapham. In April I carried a guest […]
Bad Idea Then, Bad Idea Now.
Last fall Idaho voters overwhelmingly defeated Students Come First, legislation that had been passed during the 2011 legislative session. One of the sticking points for many people was the merit pay, or pay-for-performance, that was to be awarded to teachers based on student preformance on assessments. With that in mind I have to wonder how […]
Thank you Kevin Miller 580 KIDO

Kevin Miller gave Stacey and I the full 7a.m. hour this morning to talk about Common Core. We would like to thank him for his time. You can listen to the full hour here. Kevin said he was going to play devils advocate, but he was really very nice. Other than the room being freezing, it was a pleasant […]
Parental Involvement
Starting at 22 seconds I share what I think is going to be the best way to fix education in the state of Idaho. Parents, are you up to it? I think you are.
Emmett McGroarty onThe Austin Hill Show
Austin Hill has spent a lot of time talking about Common Core representing both sides of the issue. This morning he had Emmett McGroarty from The American Principles Project on his radio program. The interview is a great brief overview of this “bucket of junk” and how it was initiated. Emmett also briefly explains how data collection is tied to […]
Why is Common Core Bad For Idaho Children?
Common Core with it’s other federally mandated reforms does not improve education in Idaho. It is about increasing federal oversight, commonality among students and states, and extensive testing. All fueled by a federally mandated data base. Statewide Data System. Idaho, to meet the requirements of several federal mandates and grants, has significantly changed the way […]