Recent Articles
#4 Common Core – Idaho’s Testing Costs Will Remain the Same with SBAC… Really?
Audio link from breakfast meeting with Idaho’s Supt. Tom Luna.
Common Core, The Brainchild Of Cronyism
Link to “Gates Led” grant research document… Web link to CCSSO Gates grants… Web link to NGA Gates grants…
Myths Vs Fact Idaho Received Money to Adopt
Connect the Dots, Money to Adopt Race to the Top FAQ high lighted See page 4
Idaho Common Core Myths vs Facts: The Reality of Data Collection
With the help of Rome Saranto, (okay let’s be honest, Rome pretty much did the videos himself,) we now have a series of short videos regarding some basic truths and Common Core. Here’s the first one. Idaho Common Core Myths vs Facts: The Reality of Data Collection Here are the documents referenced in the video: […]
Nampa Meeting

One of the best things that could happen to this grassroots movement against Common Core would be for parents and concerned citizens to start meeting on a local level to work together to get Common Core out of their neighborhood schools. That’s why we put together the County Connect page, to help facilitate this. This […]
Common Core’s Awful, Rotten, No-Good Year

Change is hard. We all get comfortable and don’t like it when our status quo is challenged, but give something long enough and we get used to it. Maybe even grow to like it. With Common Core quite the opposite is true, the more you learn the less you like. Earlier this summer Rasmussen […]
Video Says It All
I had a friend tell me to not get discouraged yet. She had the feeling that in a few months, after seeing Common Core fully implemented in Idaho, many parents would be joining our ranks. I think she’s probably right and here’s why:
Why Conservatives Should Oppose Tiered Licensure
By Mary Ollie As a teacher, I’ve studied the tiered licensure proposal adopted by SBOE and have written about it a few times. I wanted to share with you a conservative view. First of all, the teaching profession is not riddled with lousy teachers. When teachers do struggle, it is their colleagues who are first […]
You’re Invited

Saturday 10 AM join us for an information meeting. (Click on picture to enlarge.) Then don’t forget the Opt out webinar by Kathleen Jasper of Sunday August 24th, 2pm MDT. Register here to learn more about opting out. Get informed, get empowered and BOYCOTT the test.