In Idaho Falls Tonight 4/18
Your Idaho School District is Now Implementing Common Core Curriculum. What will it mean for YOUR children? The American Alliance for Advancing Awareness and Action A5IDAHO.COM Presents Orlean Koehle President, California Eagle Forum Former Idaho Falls resident and Miss Idaho Falls Author Common Core: A Trojan Horse for Education Reform Common Core States Standard Initiative […]
A Teacher’s Concerns
A few days ago this letter was forwarded to me from a friend. I contacted the author asking if I could post it. Their spouse is a teacher in Idaho, and here are some of their concerns about Common Core… This letter is to all the friends I know who have kids in school. This […]
Watch #StopCommonCore Twitter Rally Live Today at On Point Broadcasting
Don’t tweet? Don’t fret. Watch coverage of the #stopcommoncore Twitter Rally via On Point Broadcasting- complete with a pre- and post- show. Log in to watch at 11am EST today. http://www.onpointbroadcasting.com\onpointtv
Twitter Rally, All Invited to Attend
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Stephanie Zimmerman stephanie@idahoansforlocaleducation.com Idaho Parents to Join National Twitter Rally Opposing Common Core April 13, 2013 (Boise,Idaho) Idahoans For Local Education (I4LE) invites concerned citizens to advocate for local control of education without leaving their homes, or lifting a finger. Instead, they can use their thumbs to “tweet” concerns […]
Bill Gates Said It Himself.
What is the real agenda behind Common Core? Why not hear it from the man behind the curtain, Mr. Bill Gates himself. This is from Glenn’s show yesterday. The first few minutes explain why Exxon/Mobile would support Common Core. Plausible? I think so. Your browser does not support iframes.
Public Meetings by the Governor’s Task Force On Education
I should have posted this earlier, two meetings have already taken place. Here is a list of meetings that Gov. Otter’s Task Force For Improving Education will be holding: • Monday, April 15, 6:30 p.m. Meriwether Lewis Hall (MLH) Room 100, Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston. • Tuesday, April 16, 6:30 p.m. Lake Coeur d’Alene […]
Us vs.Them Rethinking “Them”
Yesterday I wrote a post about how battle lines are being drawn differently. Today I am posting a link to an article by gentleman who I would not normally agree with, but he has some good ideas. And while I don’t agree with all of them 100%, I don’t agree with anyone all of the […]
Davey Crockett Sensibility
There is a wonderful story about Davey Crockett being schooled by one of his constituents about the constitutionality of a vote he made. Congressman Crockett didn’t belittle the gentleman or act as if the constituent, because he was a common man, couldn’t possibly understand how things worked in politics. He listened and changed his course […]
A Well Researched Response to a Conservative Publications Pro-CC Article
Yesterday Glenn Beck gave a fairly lengthy response to Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern’s piece in National Review on Common Core. These are just a few of the points he made. National Review Online (NRO): Common Core is not “ObamaCore,” as some suggest. While President Obama often tries to claim credit, the truth is that […]
Fordham’s (Not So Unbiased) Opinion.
Supt. Tom Luna is feeling some heat. He has felt it necessary to start doing damage control. Here is a letter that was sent out to our elected officials sometime in March. Dear Senators and Representatives, We continue to field questions at the Department regarding the new Idaho Core Standards, which were adopted as […]