Science Standards- Action Needed Now!
This needs to happen today. The Senate Education Committee meets Wednesday, February 14th at 3:00 p.m. Fellow Idahoans. We need your help today! The adoption or rejection of Idaho’s proposed science standards has been highly politicized and this hurts children and teachers. Know that there is an organized movement that wants to legislate content. […]
The “Science” of Fear Mongering

By Mila Wood Idahoans For Local Education would like to thank the NCSE for joining the “fear mongers for bad policy” campaign. This entity sent this article out to shame our elected ed committee into capitulating to a bad policy request by our unelected bureaucracy. The people have spoken, we do not want the state legislating “CONTENT.“ I’m not exactly sure how on […]
Last Year’s Dodged Bullet Back Again, Science Standards

Last year our Senate and House Education Committees decided against adopting the Next Generation Science Standards. But like all bad ideas, they’re back again this year with new life. Thursday, February 1 and Friday, February 2 the House Education Committee will hear from the State Department of Education regarding these national science standards. A […]
House Bill 414: Relating to Sex Education, The Deleting of Family
House Bill 414: Relating to Sex Education By Stephanie Gifford A new bill has been introduced relating to sex education. It is HB 414 (https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2018/legislation/H0414.pdf ) and will be heard soon in the House Education Committee, possibly even this coming week. This bill takes four sections of Idaho Code and reduces them to one section. […]
Blue Lines Matter

Mila Wood “The Common Core thus paves the way for education that is ever more test driven, that begins with tests and ends with tests, where teaching to the test is the only option left because the textbooks and and the tests were written and vetted by the same company.” Ana Kamenetz These […]
Idaho Should Replace the SBAC/ISAT Test
Idaho Should Replace the SBAC/ISAT Test By Mila Wood With the assumption that a summative test is the best way to prove to the federal government that Idaho students are successful, there are a number of issues to choose from that make the SBAC/ISAT test a bad idea for Idaho. Aside from it being an […]
Too Much SBAC Testing Pressure on Young Children!
by Mila Wood FIRST DO NO HARM? Helping parents and teachers navigate the ugly federal ed reforms is rarely ever filled with sunshine and sugar cookies. Instead, it’s filled with frustrated parents, sad, crying kiddos and some school administrators that refuse to acknowledge parental rights. So, after weeks of dealing with this—in my […]
Parents (and Grandparents) Across America

Idahoans for Local Education (I4LE) is an affiliate of Parents Across America . I4LE stands with Parents Across America (PAA) in their commitment to bringing the voice of public school parents – and common sense – to local, state and national debates. Because the parent perspective has been almost entirely missing in the policy proposals being […]
Desitin and the West Ada Recall

What do they have in common? Read on to find out. Local Control May 5, 2016 By: Tanya Koyle My daughter posted a picture recently of my 5-year-old granddaughter with a not so beautiful grimace on her face. Next to it was a picture of her 2-year-old sister with a mischievous smile and hands […]
Idahoans for Local Education Speaks Out Against West Ada Trustee Recall

Idahoans for Local Education, a group that works to preserve Idaho’s educational sovereignty by keeping decision making close to home, has announced that the West Ada School Trustee recall election is an attack on local control. Members of Idahoans for Local Education who live in the West Ada school district say that the recall is […]