Common Core News and Updates
Last Year’s Dodged Bullet Back Again, Science Standards

Last year our Senate and House Education Committees decided against adopting the Next Generation Science Standards. But like all bad ideas, they’re back again this year with new life. Thursday, February 1 and Friday, February 2 the House Education Committee will hear from the State Department of Education regarding these national science standards. A […]
The Common Core Report Card

One of the surprise issues in this year’s Republican Primary has been Common Core. Out of all the candidates who supported the newest education reform package, the only one still in the race is Governor Kasich, who’s chances of winning seem very slim. Senator Cruz has a long standing records of opposing Common Core and Donald […]
Common Core’s Awful, Rotten, No-Good Year

Change is hard. We all get comfortable and don’t like it when our status quo is challenged, but give something long enough and we get used to it. Maybe even grow to like it. With Common Core quite the opposite is true, the more you learn the less you like. Earlier this summer Rasmussen […]
Cascading Momentum Against Common Core
Shane Vander Hart and Emmett McGroarty put together this list. No doubt more needs to be added to it. But this is significant. Policymakers need to understand that this movement is exploding: Indiana is clearly on the way out of the Common Core. Georgia actually won a RttT grant, yet a very strong exit […]
Will the Real Kentucky Please Stand Up?
State education superintendents across the country, including our own Supt. Luna, love to place Kentucky high on the Common Core pedestal. After all, it’s so easy to manipulate data to say what you want it say. Having won actual hard federal cash in the original Race To The Top grant competition, Kentucky implemented Common Core’s […]
Debate Denied
There is a lot of confusion surrounding Common Core. (that’s an understatement…) It has been said that when you listen to the proponents you walk away thinking, “This is good.” Then when you talk to the opponents you walk away thinking, “This is really bad.” We’ve been approached about having a public debate so that […]
What PISA Really Means
The PISA test results have just been released, and predictable as death and taxes the United States is falling behind the rest of the world in our scores. Remember the adage, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”? It looks like we have an educational crisis and we have to fix it. Common Core to […]
Urgent Call to Action
At the top of the Idaho School Board Association Convention website there’s a count-down clock. Right now the display reads 15 days, 10 hours and so many minutes and seconds left on it. It looks like a count down to a party. The website lists all the activities that will be taking place during the […]
The Problem With Common Core Event
The Problem With Common Core Come find out what education “reform” has really brought to Idaho public schools… Saturday – July 27, 2013 – 9am to 1pm Boise Centre on the Grove – Boise, Idaho This is an opportunity for interested individuals to find out “what all the fuss is about” with regard to […]