Stephanie Zimmerman
Stephanie Zimmerman's Latest Posts
My Opt-Out Story
My Opt-Out story. By Angela Schroath I have a daughter that is a junior at Centennial High School in the Meridian School District. I wanted to opt out my daughter from taking the SBAC test this year, especially because for her grade the test will yield no results, and is not required for her to […]
HSLDA- “Building the Machine” Documentary Now Available
The HSLDA “Building the Machine” documentary is now available. Go ahead and ignore the parents, but can you really ignore the expert testimony in this documentary? They’re people, not apples.
Refuting “Building the Machine”- an Idaho Connection
Monday March 31 marks the release of the much anticipated documentary, “Building the Machine” produced by the Home School Legal Defense Association. Evidently the Council of Chief State School Officers is concerned about this movie. They have a set of talking point that are embargoed until March 31. Somehow someone at The Missouri Education Watchdog […]
Opting Out FAQ
Mary Ollie put together a slide show of FAQ’s and documents regarding parental rights and the importance of opting out. This is a great presentation that will help answer the questions you may have regarding your rights as a parent to opt your children out of the tests. If you need a little encouragement to, “screw your courage […]
Not Keeping Their End of the Bargain

In Idaho_Rules for Thoroughness are found the reasons we administer assessments in public schools. 02. Purposes. The purpose of assessment in the public schools is to: (3-15-02) a. Measure and improve student achievement; (3-15-02) b. Assist classroom teachers in designing lessons; (3-15-02) c. Identify areas needing intervention and remediation, and acceleration; (3-15-02) d. Assist school districts […]
Setting the Record Straight on Common Core: Part 2
Here’s the next installment from The Pioneer Institute. If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch part one here you go.
Opt Out Stories
There is a page set up on Facebook where Idaho parents are sharing their opt out letters and stories. Good conversations have taken place as parents support each other with virtual high fives or words of wisdom on how to deal with an administrator who isn’t cooperating. There can be strength in numbers. I thought […]
SBAC Opt Out Webcast Recording
For those of you who were unable to attend our Opt Out webcast last night, here is the recording. We’d like to thank Diego Rodriguez at Power Marketing Consultants for allowing a couple of amateur moms access to his studio, equipment, employees and expertize to help us get this information to you.
Jim Chmelik On Common Core
Jim Chmelik is running for Lieutenant Governor. I asked him for a statement on Common Core. Common Core is an attempt by politicians to impose national standards on American schools. When one looks into Common Core, it becomes clear that it has no unifying “core” principle, and it will have destructive effects. The point […]
2011, A look at Data Collection in Idaho
January 2011 the Office of the State Board of Education released an update on the Statewide Longitudinal Data System. This report was to, …provide the State Board of Education with an appropriate overview of the current status and the needs for longitudinal educational data collection, the gaps, barriers, and risks, and finally to provide […]