Idahoans For Local Education is Launched!
Welcome to the launch of Idahoans for Local Education. This website is meant to be a resource for Idahoan parents, citizens and educators to find resources about the Common Core State Standards and other attempts made by the Idaho Department of Education to diminish local control of education.
Our mission is to preserve Idaho’s local educational sovereignty by keeping the decision making close to home, where parents can make a difference. We want to make sure that Idaho‘s education system has the highest standards so our children are given the ability to be anyone they want to be.
We’re not in this fight alone. Idahoans for Local Education is also a member of Truth in American Education which is a coalition of different organizations fighting against the Common Core.
If you’re not sure what the Common Core is you can learn more here (as well as keep an eye on our website!). Here is a timeline of how the Common Core was implemented in our state. You can learn more about Stephanie Zimmerman our founder here.
We’d love to hear your stories about the Common Core’s implementation in our state or other goings on with education in Idaho. Please contact me with any news tips at
Tags: Common Core News and Updates, Idahoans Against Common Core, Idahoans for Local Education
Mored Idahoans need to learn about Common Core and its background. Looking forward to visiting this blog regularly for updates. Thanks to Idahoans for Local Education for making the information available.
I4LE…. I love it! Thanks to your efforts, I’ve learned enough about this program already to know that it is wrong, on MANY levels. The progressives in education have already captured the minds and the souls of one generation to believe that being global citizens is preferable over being American citizens. This is a trend that must be reversed! We at The 9-12 Project of Idaho will join with you towards achieving that objective.