Opting Out FAQ

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 26, 2014 0 Comments

Mary Ollie put together a slide show of FAQ’s and documents regarding parental rights and the importance of opting out.

 This is a great presentation that will help answer the questions you may have regarding your rights as a parent to opt your children out of the tests.  If you need a little encouragement to, “screw your courage to the sticking-place,”  this would be a great place to start.

Also, if you go to the Opt Out tab you’ll notice a drop down menu for more opt out resources.  There you’ll find plenty of evidence and support for your decision to not have your children take the standardized tests this spring.

It is important to note that Common Core and the development of the testing consortiums, SBAC and PARCC, did not start the trend toward standardized testing.  That was done much earlier with No Child Left Behind.  There is a Whitehouse petition hoping to garnish enough signatures by April 16th to force the administration to look at the problem of standardized testing.

More information can be found at:



(Victoria’s site has a lot of information regarding standardized testing’s failures.)

As parents and citizens we must come together to reclaim public education, recognizing what has worked and what hasn’t.  And standardized testing hasn’t. 

Parents, Opt Out.


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