Tag: testing
Testing is Upon Us
Spring is a wonderful time of year, except for the allegries and standardized tests that come along with it. Recently Truth in American Education ran a post about opting out of the tests. We thought we’d share it here. Five Tips for Refusing the Test February 8, 2018 By Shane Vander Hart and J.R. Wilson […]
Ginni Thomas interviews Jane Robbins

Listen to legal expert Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project explain the main concerns of Common Core. Whereas self-determination and families used to guide students in choosing their career path, proponents of Common Core think they know better when it comes to jobs that communities supposedly need… “Techno-progressives” in local and federal governments are […]
Teacher Shares Experience and Facts on Common Core…..Please Read
Many times when we talk to teachers they are unaware of all that Common Core truly entails. They are so busy trying to make the best of a bad situation for the students they teach that they simply don’t have time to look into all aspects of this new education reform. This teacher, however, has taken […]
SBAC Test Text Evidence
By Mila Wood In response to Tom Luna’s release of his SBAC promotion video and “text evidence:” All along my main concerns as a parent and a tax paying citizen of our state with the SBAC test have been; 1) invasive data collection 2) the test is UNtested, UNproven and UNfinished 3) the kids’ test […]
Highlighting Misinformation
In January of this year a group of state superintendents sent a letter to Sec. Arne Duncan. The purpose of the letter was “to confirm that the consortia will not share any personally identifiable information about k-12 students with USED or any federal agency.” Dr. Karen Effrem, president of Education Liberty Watch stated, “The letter is […]
More Christopher Tienken
Christopher Tienken, an assistant professor of education administration at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, spoke with the Journal about the Common Core standards. Listen as he not only explains Common Core, but defends the American Education system. http:// Watch live streaming video from poughkeepsiejournal at livestream.com
Video: Dr. Christopher Tienken Speaks Out in New York
Dr. Christopher Tienken spoke at a conference on Common Core held in New York this month. His hard-hitting speech, posted below, includes the powerful, shattering truth that there’s no evidence to support the claims of Common Core proponents. The emperor is wearing no clothes. “Major policies that we impose on children and parents should […]
Idaho’s Superintendent of the Year!

Sitting on the Governors Task Force was one very brave educator. Dr. Geoffrey Thomas from the Madison School District was the lone dissenting vote against Common Core. I had the privilege of speaking with him over the phone this morning. As he talked with me about his concerns with Common Core I was very impressed […]
A Well Researched Response to a Conservative Publications Pro-CC Article
Yesterday Glenn Beck gave a fairly lengthy response to Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern’s piece in National Review on Common Core. These are just a few of the points he made. National Review Online (NRO): Common Core is not “ObamaCore,” as some suggest. While President Obama often tries to claim credit, the truth is that […]
We Still Have Choice, Sort of. Myth Vs. Fact
One of the myths I keep hearing floated about is that, under Common Core schools and districts still get to choose their own curriculum under Common Core – that “choice” will still exist. I was getting ready to write a post about this when Oak Norton, of Utahans Against Common Core, sent out this wonderful […]