Tag: constitutional issues
A Well Researched Response to a Conservative Publications Pro-CC Article
Yesterday Glenn Beck gave a fairly lengthy response to Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern’s piece in National Review on Common Core. These are just a few of the points he made. National Review Online (NRO): Common Core is not “ObamaCore,” as some suggest. While President Obama often tries to claim credit, the truth is that […]
A Mother Speaks Out: Children For Sale – Guest Post by Alyson Williams

You will notice in her article this mother mentions a flyer being sent home. Here in Idaho, or at least in the schools my children were attending, no such notice was given. Almost everyone I have talked comments that a teacher mentioned it in passing this year. Why did no one think to inform Idaho’s […]
What to do? What to do?
I have received several emails lately from people asking me, “I just learned about Common Core. I know it needs to be stopped, but what can I do?” They are asking me the same question I asked myself just a few months ago. I thought it might be a good idea to put out a […]