Tag: Common Core State Standards
Idaho’s Path to Common Core Part 1
Idaho has the Common Core State Standards, and many other Federal mandates because our Idaho politicians chose to ask, accept and apply for many federal dollars. This is an outline of some of the education reforms we agreed to in exchange for federal funds. All of the money from the federal government, or our tax […]
Lies, Damned Lies and the Common Core

This Comes from R.O.P.E. It sounded so familiar I thought I would share with everyone. We’re not alone in Idaho. http://restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com/2013/06/lies-damned-lies-and-common-core.html Hopefully, as a writer who frequently enjoyed ‘inheriting’ ideas from others, Mr. Twain won’t despise me too deeply for my turn of phrase. I even hope to think he’d agree! I can’t imagine […]
Federal Involvement in Common Core
Idaho residents keep hearing how the federal government had no role in Common Core. With just a little research though, this claim can be found false. The following is a post from the Missouri Education Watchdog that helps refute what Idahoans are being told by our SDOE. Attendees at all the statewide Common Core DESE […]
A Settled Issue?
According to a blog in this mornings Idaho Statesman, the Governor’s Education Reform Task Force doesn’t want to talk about Common Core. It’s not even on their list of items to discuss according to Mr. Richert. However I went back and found the website that I first learned about the task force meetings and found […]
In Idaho Falls Tonight 4/18
Your Idaho School District is Now Implementing Common Core Curriculum. What will it mean for YOUR children? The American Alliance for Advancing Awareness and Action A5IDAHO.COM Presents Orlean Koehle President, California Eagle Forum Former Idaho Falls resident and Miss Idaho Falls Author Common Core: A Trojan Horse for Education Reform Common Core States Standard Initiative […]
RNC Passes anti-Common Core Resolution
The details aren’t clear yet, but it looks like the Republican National Committee unanimously passed an anti-Common Core resolution this afternoon. If they stuck to the original wording, it looks like they nailed it! RESOLUTION CONCERNING COMMON CORE EDUCATION STANDARDS WHEREAS, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a set of academic standards, promoted […]
The Whole Glenn Beck Show
It has been a very busy week. Since Glenn Beck has been talking about Common Core, I have been getting a lot of interest in my facebook pages and this website. So much, so that I am having a hard time keeping up with it all. (Add to it all, I seem to have caught […]
Grizzley Bear Moms
Six months ago I’d never heard the names of Heather Crossin and Erin Tuttle. Today they are some of my heroes, and I’ve never even met them. When they learned about Common Core they studied it. When they didn’t like what they found they weren’t afraid to tackle it head on. Don’t ever underestimate the […]