Tag: Christel Swasey

This is by Jenni White, a super mom from Oklahoma. I had the opportunity to meet this amazingly smart and dedicated warrior mom while in Texas the end of August. I’m pleased to be among the ranks of women like her who are bringing all of the insidiousness that is called Common Core to light. […]
Video: Dr. Christopher Tienken Speaks Out in New York
Dr. Christopher Tienken spoke at a conference on Common Core held in New York this month. His hard-hitting speech, posted below, includes the powerful, shattering truth that there’s no evidence to support the claims of Common Core proponents. The emperor is wearing no clothes. “Major policies that we impose on children and parents should […]
What Is Being Data-Mined Without Parental Consent?
This is a long post, but it is well worth reading clear to the end. By Christel Swasey originally posted on Whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com Even though the columns will be gone and it will be confusing and messy, I’m going to cut and paste a truckload of attributes from the National Data Collection model’s spreadsheet. […]
Us vs.Them Rethinking “Them”
Yesterday I wrote a post about how battle lines are being drawn differently. Today I am posting a link to an article by gentleman who I would not normally agree with, but he has some good ideas. And while I don’t agree with all of them 100%, I don’t agree with anyone all of the […]
Common Core: A Mental Health Professional & Parent’s Perspective
Thank you Dr. Thompson ~ Dear Mrs. Swasey & Mr. Beck: I am writing this note on behalf of your joint request to address issues surrounding the Common Core State Standards Act (CCSS) that is currently in the process of being implemented in the vast majority of our public school systems in the country. By […]
The Whole Glenn Beck Show
It has been a very busy week. Since Glenn Beck has been talking about Common Core, I have been getting a lot of interest in my facebook pages and this website. So much, so that I am having a hard time keeping up with it all. (Add to it all, I seem to have caught […]
Glenn Beck Outs The Common Core

Thank you Truth in American Education and Shane Vander Hart Glenn Beck today highlighted the Common Core on his show on The Blaze TV. His guests were Emmett McGroarty of American Principles Project, Sherena Arrington, a political consultant from Georgia, and two teachers from Utah, David Cox and Christel Swasey. Beck in his opening remarks […]
I’m So Jealous
Last fall as I first started learning about Common Core I contacted Utahans Against Common Core asking them for help and guidance in doing the same thing here in Idaho. Christel Swasey then contacted me and started the long process of helping me understand what I needed to start reading and what I needed to […]
There’s Gold in Them Thar Schools
Some things about a poor education can be compensated for at home. If a school is weak in teaching reading or math, parents can work on those subjects at home with their children. But sometimes there are things that cannot be fixed at home. One of those things is the data mining and collection that […]
What to do? What to do?
I have received several emails lately from people asking me, “I just learned about Common Core. I know it needs to be stopped, but what can I do?” They are asking me the same question I asked myself just a few months ago. I thought it might be a good idea to put out a […]