There’s Gold in Them Thar Schools
Some things about a poor education can be compensated for at home. If a school is weak in teaching reading or math, parents can work on those subjects at home with their children. But sometimes there are things that cannot be fixed at home. One of those things is the data mining and collection that […]
A Mother Speaks Out: Children For Sale – Guest Post by Alyson Williams

You will notice in her article this mother mentions a flyer being sent home. Here in Idaho, or at least in the schools my children were attending, no such notice was given. Almost everyone I have talked comments that a teacher mentioned it in passing this year. Why did no one think to inform Idaho’s […]
Are you doing what you thought you’d be doing…when you were 13?
I keep hearing how the U.S. has some of the lowest test scores in the world. I take issue with this statement. In the United States, we test every child. The new immigrant child who can hardly speak English – yep, she gets tested. The flunky who doesn’t have any desire to be in school […]
What to do? What to do?
I have received several emails lately from people asking me, “I just learned about Common Core. I know it needs to be stopped, but what can I do?” They are asking me the same question I asked myself just a few months ago. I thought it might be a good idea to put out a […]