Recent Articles
More Christopher Tienken
Christopher Tienken, an assistant professor of education administration at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, spoke with the Journal about the Common Core standards. Listen as he not only explains Common Core, but defends the American Education system. http:// Watch live streaming video from poughkeepsiejournal at
Dr. James Milgram
Dr. Milgram, an accomplished mathematician, was on the Common Core Validation Committee. He refused to give his endorsement to the standards. Here he is on a conference call for New York.
#StopCommonCore Facebook Profile Picture Blast

From Truth in American Education You are encouraged to change your Facebook prolife picture to a “Stop Common Core” picture this week from November 12th to November 15th. We use our profile pictures to reflect who we are, what we love and what are passions are. So why not use it to show our opposition […]
Common Core or Coercion
KBOI channel 2 and Brian Morrin did some great research and reporting on Common Core earlier this week. There was only one problem during about the last 10 seconds of the story. Can you spot it? Thank you Brian and Channel 2.
They’re Freeeeeee
Mila Wood Revisiting props 1,2,3. Can I interest any of you in some unfunded mandates?? “They are freeeeeeee” Proposition 3: puts computers first, students and teachers last Proposition 3 is a largely unfunded state mandate that forces local schools to spend millions on expensive technology before they spend money reducing the size of overcrowded classes, […]
Idaho School Board Contact
Please remember to contact your local school board members to encourage them to vote no on Resolution #2. We don’t want our children to be used as guinea pigs. Stop Common Core in Idaho! Idaho School districts in Alphabetical Order: Aberdeen School District #58 American Falls School District #381 Arbon Elementary District #383 Avery District […]
School Boards to Vote on Common Core Issues
By Mary Adler Most parents perceive our local School Board as being precisely what its name implies, a local entity that functions solely within our child’s school district. In general this is true; however, they too have a state wide organization that lobbies on their behalf to our state legislature and other state level entities. […]
Urgent Call to Action
At the top of the Idaho School Board Association Convention website there’s a count-down clock. Right now the display reads 15 days, 10 hours and so many minutes and seconds left on it. It looks like a count down to a party. The website lists all the activities that will be taking place during the […]
“You’re looking at me as though I’m weird…”
I thought this was a very interesting take on Common Core. From Utahns Against Common Core Guest Post by Tammy Jensen who attended the Cedar City debate last week. “You’re looking at me as though I’m weird. My [Goodness]! Are you so out of touch with most of America, most of which believes in […]
Opt-outs ‘R Us
So you’ve been learning about Common Core, talking to your neighbors and writing your congressman and now you want to DO something. In his book, Children of the Core, author Kris L. Nielsen gives some actions anyone can take to stage a peaceful revolution against Common Core. One step he recommends is, “Stop Participating –Opt Out […]