The Common Core, Data Collection Connection
There is a lot of noise out there about the connection between Common Core and data collection. While parents are beginning to express concern about what can and will be collected on their children without their consent, and then what can be done with that data; proponents of Common Core are denying the fact that there is any connection.
We’ve heard it time and again from our own state officials. In fact, take a listen to this starting at about 2:30
Mr. Luna explains that Idaho has always collected data. For some reason, knowing this is supposed to make us feel better. And it’s supposed to convince us that there is no connection between Common Core and data collection. But it is important to understand that they are very closely linked.
In our Race to the Top application there two very large parts. One is the agreement to adopt common standards and the other to build a SLDS (Statewide Longitudinal Data System). Those two components made up over 25% of the points available in RttT . The reviewer’s comments make it pretty clear that they don’t respect the citizens of Idaho and our desire for local control:
While Idaho has had to combat strong resistance from local control advocates who do not support
the gathering of data statewide for improvement and accountability purposes and is now addressing all
of the America COMPETEs elements…Other states have also faced resistance from the factions that fear “big brother…”
The state reports having gotten a late start on implementing a statewide data system, mentioning that
it was hindered somewhat by being a rural western state with strongly held local control and limited
government beliefs…
(Yes, it’s true that Idaho received no Race to the Top money, but that makes no difference. We are still implementing Common Core and the SLDS.)
Arne Duncan, president Obama’s point man on education and self-proclaimed birth mom of Common Core has given multiple speeches bragging about Obama’s “college and career readiness standards,” (Common Core.) This same man loosened the FERPA laws making it much easier to collect and share student’s personal data without parental consent.
And then there was “DataPalooza,” a White House event where Shawn T. Bay (eScholar CEO) gave a speech talking about how individual student data is much more useful than aggregate, group data and that Common Core is important because it is “the glue that actually ties everything together.”
How is it that a homemaker and mother of eight can connect all the dots to make a very clear picture and yet those in public office either can’t or won’t?