Ginni Thomas interviews Jane Robbins
Listen to legal expert Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project explain the main concerns of Common Core.
Whereas self-determination and families used to guide students in choosing their career path, proponents of Common Core think they know better when it comes to jobs that communities supposedly need… “Techno-progressives” in local and federal governments are gathering more and more information on students
in public and private schools — and many parents don’t realize it…
…Part of the fundamental problem with Common Core is is that it is framed from “a workforce
development model, not an education model.”
As she reviews the disappointments of governors like Florida’s Jeb Bush and Indiana’s Mike Pence on Common Core, she says, “People are looking for a hero
to stop Common Core.” Politicians will see that, because their children are affected and this is not going away anytime soon. It is becoming clear that in order to gain political support, candidates like Jindal, Cruz, and Rubio are loudly criticizing Common Core.
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Tags: blame common core, Common Core basics, Data collection, education, ELA, Jane Robbins, Math, testing