Courage for the Taxpaying Parent

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 22, 2014 2 Comments

How many times have we anti-Common Core parents been told, “If you don’t like Common Core maybe you should homeschool.”  Or, “If you don’t like the tests, maybe you need to homeschool.”   How about, “If you don’t like the data collecting maybe your only option is to homeschool.”  (That last one came straight from Senator Geodde, aimed at Stacey and me while we were all in the same room!)

When we send our children into the public education system we leave a lot to the discretion of the public education system to properly instruct, lead and guide our children to a bright future.  We entrust our children to others.  This is a sacred trust that can’t be taken lightly by any party involved.

But when we don’t agree with what’s going on with the public education system we are led to believe that the only option we have is to pull our children  home to educate them or pony up for private school options.  Well, I have a problem with that attitude.

I’m disgusted with the oligarchy of cronyism and corporatism that’s promoting Common Core and it’s sub-standard, misguided “standards.” Its top down approach is damaging our locally controlled public education system that is still so important and necessary for our republic.  

In addition to the inalienable rights we retain as parents, we’re also taxpaying citizens.  We pay the salaries of every public education professional in the state.  As such, as parents we literally have every right to demand courtesy and respect as we courteously and respectfully offer dissenting views and beliefs on education reform.

As tax-paying parents we absolutely have the right to opt our children out of the SBAC tests and to demand better than the one-size-fits-all Common Core standards.

So, when you’re told you can’t refuse the SBAC test, just kindly remind them that not only are you a parent you’re also a taxpayer, and you can and shall opt out.

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  1. Hannah Corona says:

    I have and will continue to fight against the testing madness. My daughter is in special education and is given a curriculum based on her ability to learn. She is currently studying third grade material, yet she is expected to take a 7th grade level test that is the same as her peers. She is special ed.. she is not peers with an average 7th grader in any way. This test is meaningless in her education therefore we will never take the test.

  2. Jennifer Anderson-Hatch says:

    I don’t think the “OPT OUT” word is getting out as much as it should. I have 4 in junior high here in Nampa, and my 3 were the only ones in the office during testing (one of mine decided to take the test because they told her we’d go to jail if she didn’t.)
    I was very disappointed by the lack of parental involvement.

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