College and Career Framework

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 9, 2014 0 Comments

There are a couple of new docs on the resource page.

What Does it Really Mean to be College and Work Ready is by Marc Tucker’s National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE).  Mila Wood took the time to highlight some interesting passages.  As you read through it you realize that goal was never to raise standards, quite the opposite.   Algebra II is all that is really needed and why waste time on classic literature.


Understanding-and-Using-the-Career-Readiness-Frameworks-V2-Public-Review  This whole Smarter Balanced publication is surprisingly full of truth! Here’s a teaser: “Further, recent research by the National Assessment Governing Board concluded that college and career readiness are not equivalent constructs…”


It seems like every crazy thing the opponents say about Common Core, if you look deep enough you’ll find that somewhere, in a document, Power Point presentation or video, the proponents said the exact same thing.


Occasionally take the opportunity to browse the resource tab.  We’re trying to make it easier to read these by highlighting some of the more pertinent information.  But have the duck tape handy, you’re going to want to wrap your head before you dive in too deep.

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