Tag: reforms
What is Common Core 101 part 4
IS COMMON CORE RESPECTED BY HIGHER ED? 132 professors of Catholic Universities recently wrote a letter denouncing Common Core on both academic and moral grounds. Also: Dr. Anthony Esolen of Providence College in Rhode Island has written: “What appalls me most about the standards … is the cavalier contempt for great works of human art and thought, in […]
What is Common Core 101 part 3

This is the third part of a four part series. The whole article was written by Christel Swasey and can be seen on her website here. IS COMMON CORE RELATED TO STUDENT DATA MINING? Yes. But Secretary Arne Duncan told the American Society of News Editors that opponents make “outlandish claims. They say that the Common Core calls for federal […]
What is Common Core 101 part 2

This is the second installation of a four part series. The whole article was written by Christel Swasey and can be seen on her website here WHY DON’T COMMON CORE PROPONENTS WANT STUDENTS TO LEARN MUCH MATH? It costs money to educate beyond minimal workforce training. In this 2013 document put out by the NCEE (National Center […]
What is Common Core 101 part 1

This was written by Christel Swasey. It was originally one article but I have broken it down to four. There is a lot to swallow here but it is well documented. Once again the opponents of Common Core say, “Don’t take our word for it, look at the documents yourself.” What Is Common […]