Tag: Joy Pullman

This is by Jenni White, a super mom from Oklahoma. I had the opportunity to meet this amazingly smart and dedicated warrior mom while in Texas the end of August. I’m pleased to be among the ranks of women like her who are bringing all of the insidiousness that is called Common Core to light. […]
Conference Call
Facts About Common Core Informational Conference Call Presented by Concerned Women for America Wednesday July 10, 8:30 pm EDT Join the call by dialing 760 569 7676, access code 303989 Speakers: Dr. Sandra Stotsky, CC Validation Committee Member Joy Pullman, Heartland Institute Richard Innes, Bluegrass Institute Kenda Bartlett, Concerned Women for America, Executive Director I […]
A Mom-Led Movement

The last month in our house has been amazing, there is nothing quite like having a new baby in the home. As I have mentioned before I love being a mother. I wanted to share the following because it says so well why I think so many mothers have gotten involved in fighting Common Core. The […]
5 People Wrote ‘State-Led’ Common Core
Joy Pullman, research fellow at Heartland Institute, writes this awesome article exposing how the Common Core standards were created in a shroud of secrecy while states claim they were state-led. Unless there was an Idahoan on any of the mentioned committees, I’d say we were pretty much not involved in writing them at all. http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2013/06/07/five-people-wrote-state-led-common-core
There’s Gold in Them Thar Schools
Some things about a poor education can be compensated for at home. If a school is weak in teaching reading or math, parents can work on those subjects at home with their children. But sometimes there are things that cannot be fixed at home. One of those things is the data mining and collection that […]