Tag: Erin Tuttle
Common Core Does NOT Equal Excellence
(Washington, D.C.) – The American Principles Project Foundation has just published a new report, “Common Does Not Equal Excellent.” Focusing on the K-8 Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M), authors Erin Tuttle and J.R. Wilson provide evidence that the CCSS-M’s dictation of an instructional approach blurs the line between standards and curriculum. The standards […]

This is by Jenni White, a super mom from Oklahoma. I had the opportunity to meet this amazingly smart and dedicated warrior mom while in Texas the end of August. I’m pleased to be among the ranks of women like her who are bringing all of the insidiousness that is called Common Core to light. […]
Grizzley Bear Moms
Six months ago I’d never heard the names of Heather Crossin and Erin Tuttle. Today they are some of my heroes, and I’ve never even met them. When they learned about Common Core they studied it. When they didn’t like what they found they weren’t afraid to tackle it head on. Don’t ever underestimate the […]