Tag: ccsso
Common Core, The Brainchild Of Cronyism
Link to “Gates Led” grant research document… http://912projectidaho.com/documents/Gates_Led_Not_State_Led_%28grant_summary%29.pdf Web link to CCSSO Gates grants… http://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/k=Council%20of%20Chief%20State%20School%20Officers Web link to NGA Gates grants… http://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/k=National%20Governors%20Association
Common Core Facts
This is a brief, two-page history of Common Core and some of its shortcomings. This list was compiled by Sandra Stotsky, a member of the validation committee. Click here for a printable pdf version. Common Core Facts Compiled by Sandra Stotsky 1. Who developed Common Core’s standards? Three private organizations in Washington DC: the […]
Formal Response to CCSSO Student Data Privacy
National Anti-Common Core Statement on the State School Chiefs’ Letter Regarding Data Privacy We the undersigned organizations, representing millions of families and teachers across the nation, issue the following statement in response to the January 23rd, 2014 letter by thirty-four chief state school officers to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan regarding student data privacy: […]
More Christopher Tienken
Christopher Tienken, an assistant professor of education administration at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, spoke with the Journal about the Common Core standards. Listen as he not only explains Common Core, but defends the American Education system. http:// Watch live streaming video from poughkeepsiejournal at livestream.com
Chamber of Commerce and Common Core

Have you wondered why the Chamber of Commerce is promoting Common Core? Upon doing a little research you can easily figure out why. One of their major affiliates received grant money from the Gates Foundation in the name of supporting Common Core. So, now when you hear that the Chamber of Commerce supports Common Core, you can just remember […]
Jamie Gass on Common Core
Once again thank you to Austin Hill for tackling this humongous subject. As usual, Austin’s not afraid to learn about a tough issue and then take it head on. And thank you to Jamie Gass from the Pioneer Institute for taking the time to briefly explain Common Core. http://www.idahoreporter.com/2013/jamie-gass-with-the-pioneer-institute-of-boston-ma-discusses-inadequacies-of-the-common-core-academic-standards-on-the-austin-hill-show/
A Well Researched Response to a Conservative Publications Pro-CC Article
Yesterday Glenn Beck gave a fairly lengthy response to Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern’s piece in National Review on Common Core. These are just a few of the points he made. National Review Online (NRO): Common Core is not “ObamaCore,” as some suggest. While President Obama often tries to claim credit, the truth is that […]
Common Core: A Mental Health Professional & Parent’s Perspective
Thank you Dr. Thompson ~ Dear Mrs. Swasey & Mr. Beck: I am writing this note on behalf of your joint request to address issues surrounding the Common Core State Standards Act (CCSS) that is currently in the process of being implemented in the vast majority of our public school systems in the country. By […]
What to do? What to do?
I have received several emails lately from people asking me, “I just learned about Common Core. I know it needs to be stopped, but what can I do?” They are asking me the same question I asked myself just a few months ago. I thought it might be a good idea to put out a […]