Tag: 15%
Where’s Idaho Bound to Common Core
The article below first appeared on Utahnsagainstcommoncore.com I changed all of the necessary links to be relevant to Idaho. By JaKell Sullivan 1) The Four Assurances (or federal reforms) in the 2009 Stimulus Package’s State Fiscal Stabilization Fund—which included common standards, new assessments, teacher evaluations, school grading and data collection systems—signed by Governor Otter and Superintendent Luna. The “assurances” […]
That pesky 15%
At one point Superintendent Tom Luna referenced a letter Utah got from Secretary Arne Duncan as evidence that states, including Idaho, had not lost control of their standards. He was trying to obtain a similar letter for Idaho. However, timing is everything. It needs to be noted Utah’s letter was received after Race To The Top but before […]