Four Pillar Cafe

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 13, 2015 0 Comments

By Mila Wood

In times like these, parents and taxpayers  need choices and factual resources to help them voice objection to Common Core and the other education reforms.  Feel free to write and share with your schools, teachers , districts legislatures and state education agencies.  Dissent IS the only choice you will actually have in the education reform that you are paying for. Your voice against it.

Below we have compiled a list for each of the FOUR connected education reform pillars in a menu style format. There is truly something here for everyone to dislike, no matter what side of the political isle you reside. The low standards themselves, the SBAC test that is the gateway for your family’s data to be accessed by unlimited third parties , or the private corporate cronyism that allows your tax dollars to be spent by them, without any oversight or accountability.


The Four Pillar Café

four pillars of ed takeover

“Nourishment for the Common Man”

Here at the Four Pillars, our food is quickly and secretly, prepared by- not actual chefs-but rather by folks that have eaten in restaurants. They have not consulted any actual chefs, but rest assured that your meal with be of International flair. We encourage you try and use a coupon before you walk in, but you will definitely be charged a fee, regardless at the end of your meal, on top of your bill, for things that we cannot really itemize. But that’s okay, trust us.

Trust us here at the Four Pillars Cafe, your dining experience will be rigorous, and full of grit. Please enjoy, a multitude of MANDATORY side dishes. These are not optional and you will be charged full price, regardless if you used a coupon, and there is no leaving early. And you must eat only here at the Four Pillar Cafe.

Please realize that we will also share, disseminate, and allow access to your bank accounts, medical records and criminal records, only to make sure that you comply with our restaurant assurances and to making sure that we choose the correct table for you to dine at for the remainder of your life.

*******The only possible exceptions are private cafes, called the 1% Cafes.

Every meal will include a taxpayer funded public private partnership. Because we hate taxpayer accountability, transparency, and we hate using our own money. But really, you are not smart enough to really know what you need for nourishment, it’s best practice that WE decide for you.

Standards and assessments: Common Core and SBAC

1) Not Internationally benchmarked ( never have been ) they changed this to say

“Internationally Informed”

2) SBAC test is Federally funded ( illegal)

3) SBAC private company ( no FOIA requests, and no sunshine laws apply)

4) Standards are middle of the road according to their own Fordham comparisons

across all states. A couple states like California in math, and Massachusetts in ELA,

actually lowered their standards, by adopting Common Core.

5) They are copyrighted by private trade organizations. Idaho does not own them.

6) Idaho was not involved in the development of Common Core.

7) Idaho agreed to adopt in 2009, without any legislative over sight.

8) There is no reliability and validity report, which is against Idaho code.

9) The standards have never been tested, proven or piloted. there is no evidence that

they will do what they claim.

10) Idaho did receive money to adopt the four assurances

11) SBAC is a psychometric test, testing dispositions, beliefs, behaviors and attitudes.

12) The SBAC test consortium agreement allows access to any and all data collected

on you child and family, at the state level ( any agency ) in a seamless and timely manner.

State Longitudinal Data System: ISEE

1)They collect 566 data fields, with 14 separate files.

2) Data is dissagreggate

3) Personal level data is allowed access by third parties outside the state of Idaho

4) There were multiple interagency agreements signed by the SBOE with other state

agencies, such as Department of Labor and Department of Transportation to match

and share personal data such as SSN.

5) Each child has a data backpack that contains even their discipline records,

permanently. Forever. With access by coaches, colleges, and future employees.

6) An enormous amount of taxpayer money has been syphoned off the education fund

to contribute to building and funding the ISEE. Money that could have gone into


7) There is no opt out for parents that believe in privacy.

Equitable Redistribution of Teachers:

1) Teachers evaluations will be tied 50% to the high stakes SBAC test.

2) Decisions to retain, or promote teachers will be based on evaluations

3) Teachers will be distributed by the government, not by their free will to work in a


4) Idaho needs to make way for alternate certifications, like Teach For America.

Turn Around of Low Performing Schools:

1) Schools can be closed, and turned over to a private entity such as a charter school,

giving taxpayers no transparency on how their tax dollar is spent.

2) Teachers and principals can be fired when a school is turned over.

3) These schools do not need school boards.

4) Idaho agreed to loosen its limiting charter laws in the grant applications, to make this process easier.


As you can see there are a number of wonderful options on our menu.  Please feel free to mix and match and share with your favorite legislator, school board member, friend or family member.


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