Why Idaho Still Has Common Core
There’s been a lot said this primary cycle about who got rid of Common Core, and to be honest, it’s a little complicated. But, here’s the long and short of it as I understand it.

The House Education Committee voted by a margin of 10-5 to not renew the rules that included Common Core State Standards.
The five that voted to keep it were,
*Lance Clow, Chair
*Ryan Kerby, Vice Chair
*John McCrostie
*Chris Abernathy
*Steve Berch
The ten who put Idaho’s children first were,
Paul E. Shepherd
Judy Boyle
Ron Mendive
Gayann DeMordaunt
Dorothy Moon
Barbara Ehardt
Bill Goesling
Gary Marshall
Jerald Raymond
Tony Wisniewski
On the Senate side the list is much easier. Not one single member of the Senate Ed Committee voted with their House counterparts to get rid of Common Core. Not one.
Chair Dean M. Mortimer
Vice Chair Steven P. Thayn
Chuck Winder
Lori Den Hartog
Carl Crabtree
Jim Woodward
Dave Lent
Cherie Buckner-Webb
Janie Ward-Engelking
Following the campaign donations gets you here:

And let’s not forget how it paid off for him.
Just something to think about as you’re sending in your absentee ballots this year.

Tags: Elec, Steven Thayn, Tom Luna