School Boards Represent Parents or Government?

Filed in Idaho Education News by on November 9, 2015 1 Comment

When you voted for your school board members did you elect them to represent you or the federal government?  I’ll bet you thought they represented you, huh?  Well, it seems that some school boards feel their responsibility is to answer to the federal government first… and parents second.  The Pocatello/Chubbuck School district is leading that charge.  They recently submitted a resolution to the Idaho School Board Association,  (a lobbying group that your school district pays dues to using taxpayer $$$) that suggests setting up a tracking system to log parents who are using the new parental rights legislation to voice their concerns / take exception to various district practices and cause school districts problems. 




WHEREAS, the 2015 Idaho Legislature enacted House Bill No. 113a which enhances Parental
Rights; and
WHEREAS, school districts across the State of Idaho will be obligated to abide by this legislation;
WHEREAS, school districts also remain obligated to comply with state and federal mandates for
the governance of school districts; and
WHEREAS, the Idaho School Board Association supports local school districts in their endeavors
to meet state and federal mandates and the matters of local control; and
WHEREAS, school districts across the State may experience challenges from parents who claim
that their rights may be violated by school districts, as school districts comply with various state and
federal mandates;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Idaho School Boards Association will
maintain a log of incidents that school districts are addressing in working with parents who take
exception to various districts practices, and will work with the education community to
communicate to the Idaho Legislature the impact of the exceptions on district personnel and district
budgets, and will work with the Idaho Legislature to hold at bay any expansion of the parental
rights in regard to education as outlined in House Bill No. 113a.


School boards across the State are required to meet various state and federal mandates setting forth
the governance of the districts with consistency and fairness for all.

Submitted by the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District No. 25

Janie Gebhardt of the ISBA Executive Board will address the Executive Board’s recommendation
to the membership at the Business Session of the Annual Convention.
PASSED                                     AYES
TABLED                                    NAYES
FAILED                                     TOTAL


Notice that the ISBA executive board has a “Do Pass” Recommendation for this anti-parental rights resolutions.

Please take a moment to contact your school board members and ask them to vote no on Resolution 5.   While you’re at it, you might even consider asking them to save your district a little money by dropping out of the ISBA…


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  1. Dawn says:

    Thank you for this information! I contacted my school board trustee.

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