An Idaho Teacher on Common Core Part 2 — Deeper Facts on Data Mining in our Schools
LeAnn Caster
The response to my letter last month on the basic facts of Common Core were overwhelming. Since there were so many who were shocked and amazed at what they read, I am choosing to share a lot more. The information I share in this letter contains more facts that every parent and teacher and ALL citizens should know.
Friends, Family and other Concerned Citizens,The response to my initial letter on Common Core was overwhelming and eye opening. There were many of you —
teachers, parents and everyday citizens throughout many states – that expressed your shock and surprise at the facts
presented. Remember: Knowledge is Power. I do believe that education is the key to truth and honesty, so I have
decided to share with you additional information about the base foundations of the Common Core State Standards,
SBAC Testing and the current focus of the U.S. Department of Education that is now driving our local education.